India elected to UN Economic and Social Council for 2022-24 term.

  • India was elected in the Asia-Pacific States category along with Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and Oman.
  • ECOSOC is the coordinating body for the economic and social work of UN agencies and funds.
  • UN Economic and Social Council Headquarters:- New York, USA.

"Hitendra Dave" has been appointed as CEO of HSBC India.

  • Dave succeeds Surendra Rosha who will be moving to Hong Kong as the co-chief executive of HSBC Asia-Pacific.
  • HSBC:- Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd.

Uttar Pradesh government has launched "pink booths" for covid vaccination.

  • "Pink booth" for women in the state to get vaccinated against Covid-19.
  • To ensure the safety of the women against the covid-19 pandemic.

Weyan, India's first village to vaccinate all its adult population against covid-19.

  • Weyan, A remote village in Jammu and Kashmir’s Bandipora district.
  • The village had only 362 adult residents.
  • The village is located only 28 kilometres away from Bandipora district headquarters,
  • but a distance of 18 kilometres has to be covered by foot as there is no motorable road.

Isro develops three types of ventilators to battle Covid-19.

  • PRANA ("Programmable Respiratory Assistance for the Needy Aid')
  • Based on the automated compression of an AMBU (Artificial Manual Breathing unit) bag.
  • VaU (Ventilation assist Unit) can assist or replace spontaneous breathing in patients under respiratory distress.
  • SVASTA Space Ventilator Aided System for Trauma Assistance.
  • Shwaas is a portable Medical Oxygen Concentrator

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