Election Commission of India launches Garuda App for Digital Mapping of Polling Booths.

  • The Election Commission of India (ECI) has launched Garuda App for digital mapping of all polling stations, so that election work can be completed faster, smarter, transparent and on time.
  • Through the Garuda App, Booth Level Officers (BLOs) will upload photos and location information of polling stations along with data such as latitude and longitude of the center from their registered mobile numbers.
  • The app will also help reduce paperwork.

China launches satellite "Shijian-21".

  • China successfully launched a new satellite named Shijian-21. The satellite will be used for testing and validation of space debris mitigation technologies.
  • Shijian-21 was launched on a Long March-3B carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan province.
  • The satellite will be primarily used for testing and validation of space debris mitigation technologies.
  • The launch marked the 393rd mission for the Long March series carrier rocket.

Nagaland to host 56th National Cross Country Championship.

  • The 2022 South Asian Federation Cross Country Championships is scheduled to be held in Kohima, Nagaland on January 15, 2022.
  • In addition, the 56th National Cross Country Championships will also be clubbed with the South Asian Federation Cross Country Championships.
  • This will be the 1st national athletics event organized by Nagaland.
  • Top athletes from eight South Asian countries will take part in the day-long international sporting event.
  • The championship will involve running on a variety of terrain, including sprint over dirt, jog downhill and mounting uphill.

The Central Government notifies the Indian Telegraph Rights (Amendment) Rules, 2021.

  • The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has notified the Indian Telegraph Right of Way (Amendment) Rules, 2021 on October 21, 2021 by amending the Indian Telegraph Right of Way Rules, 2016.
  • New rules have been introduced to ease the permissions and procedures related to Right of Way (RoW) for setting up and augmentation of digital communication infrastructure across the country.
  • Amendments notified are as follows:
    • The one-time compensation for setting up of overground telegraph line has been fixed at a maximum of Rs 1000 per kilometer.
    • No fee shall be charged for installation, maintenance, work, repair, transfer or relocation of underground and underground telegraph infrastructure, other than administrative fees and restoration charges.
    • In addition, the documentation for Right of Way (ROW) application for overground telegraph line has also been simplified.

Ruskin Bond's "Writing for My Life" anthology released.

  • Author Ruskin Bond's anthology Writing for My Life has been released.It contains some of the most exemplary stories, essays, poems and memoirs of Ruskin Bond.
  • What is an anthology: An anthology is a collection of literary works selected by the compiler; It can be a collection of plays, poems, short stories, songs or excerpts from different authors.
  • The compilation is released 25 years after Bond's 1st compilation titled The Best of Ruskin Bond.
  • The selection for this compilation has been done by Bond himself and his editor Premanka Goswami.
  • Ruskin Bond is an Indian writer of British origin. His 1st novel is The Room on the Roof.

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