TB treatment success rate rose to 86.9%, highest in 9 years.

  • The tuberculosis treatment success rate has increased to 86.9 percent until December 2023.
  • The Government of India is striving to eliminate TB from the country by 2025.
  • In 2021, the success rate had reached 84 percent and in 2022, it marginally increased to 85.5 percent.
  • The Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare - Dr Mansukh Mandaviya.

HDFC becomes first private bank to open branch in Lakshadweep.

  • Private lender HDFC Bank opened a branch at Kavaratti Island in Lakshadweep.
  • Lakshadweep Tourism Officer - Imthias Mohammed T B.
  • The islands are also poised for a substantial Rs 3,600 crore boost in infrastructure, including new ports, roads, and beachfront amenities.
  • HDFC Bank/Headquarters: Mumbai
  • Founded: August 1994
  • CEO: Sashidhar Jagdishan

Indian Meteorological Department conducts Pre-Cyclone Exercise.

  • Indian Meteorological Department conducted a Pre-Cyclone Exercise for the season of April-June 2024.
  • Chairman - Dr. Mrutyunjay Mohapatra.
  • The Exercise was part of a biennial exercise conducted during Pre-cyclone Season And post-cyclone season to take the view of the preparedness of various disaster management.
  • IMD is celebrating the 150th year of its establishment and service to the nation.


Harendra Singh reappointed India women's hockey team coach.

  • Harendra Singh is set to replace Janneke Schopman as coach of the Indian women’s hockey team.
  • Harendra Singh has coached India to 11 gold medals including the 2016 men’s junior World Cup, 2017 Women’s Asia Cup, and 2018 Asian Champions Trophy (men).
  • Harendra Singh was a 2012 Dronacharya Award winner and was also leading the USA men’s national team.

India will post defence attaches in several African countries.

  • India will appoint new defence attaches in the African countries of Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, and Djibouti.
  • Furthermore, India will post defence attaches in the Philippines, Armenia, and Poland as well.
  • 16 defence attaches from the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force will assume their new positions in these countries.
  • India sealed a $375 million deal with the Philippines in defence.

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